Resource Library

Stanford FA Program and Clinical Trials (subtitulado ES)

Doctors from Stanford share about their FA program and clinical trials available to FA patients.
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Información completa sobre la AF

Ficha informativa y visual sobre la anemia de Fanconi
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Preguntas frecuentes

Cuales son las preguntas frecuentes sobre la anemia de Fanconi?
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Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplantation (subtitulado ES)

Dr. Alice Bertaina, MD provides greater detail on stem cell transplants from donors after alpha beta cell depletion in children and young adults
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Taking Charge of Your Survivorship (subtitulado ES)

This talk on survivorship addresses enhancing both physical and mental wellbeing through integrative approaches, connection, and mental health support.
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Quercetin Study for Adults with FA (subtitulado ES)

What is quercetin and how is it used in the context of FA?
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