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Fanconi Anemia Neurological Syndrome: What We Know So Far (2023)
Dr. Eunike Velleuer describes a very rare manifestation of Fanconi anemia, known as Fanconi Anemia-Associated Neurological Syndrome (FANS). FARF is working with the research community to better understand FANS and...

Fanconi Anemia 101: For Families Affected by FA (2023)
Just diagnosed with Fanconi anemia? Start here.Dr. Parinda Mehta from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center delivers an updated "FA 101" to families at the 2023 FA Family Retreat.ESPAÑOL:¿Recientemente diagnosticado con...

Fertility for Males with Fanconi Anemia
Anne Casson is a fertility nurse at Memorial Sloan Kettering, an FA Center of Excellence. In this video she speaks about fertility in males with Fanconi anemia. SUBTITULOS ES

Fertility for Females with Fanconi Anemia
Anne Casson is a fertility nurse at Memorial Sloan Kettering, an FA Center of Excellence. In this video she speaks about fertility in females with Fanconi anemia. SUBTITULOS ES

“Power to U”: New campaign to manage the increased risk for oral cancer
We focus on early detection by providing all different kinds of support (including clinicians and individuals with FA)