
Key Takeaways from the 30th Scientific Symposium

One of FARF’s guiding principles is to gather the best researchers and clinicians in the FA community every year to share updates in research and care. In late 2018, we held the 30th Fanconi Anemia Scientific Symposium in Newport Beach,...

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30th Scientific Symposium in Photos

When FARF created guiding principles back in 1989, one was that each year, we would bring together researchers working on FA and physicians treating people with FA. They would spend three days sharing updates and concerns, brainstorming ideas and creating collaborations. In...

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Do Something Amazing this Holiday Season

The holidays are a time to show gratitude and to give back. If you’re looking for a way to do both, consider joining the holiday campaign for FA research. Not only will you be helping those you know and love...

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Scientist Spotlight: Agata Smogorzewska Dr. Agata Smogorzewska talks about her FA research project What motivates me to work on Fanconi anemia: I became interested in Fanconi anemia due to the critical function of FA proteins in DNA repair. Quite accidentally, I discovered a...

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Global Fanconi Anemia Gene Therapy Program Update

The global Fanconi anemia gene therapy program will continue to be available for patients in the USA and Europe during 2018 and 2019. In Europe, a new study, known as FANCOLEN-2, will be available at CIEMAT/Hospital del Niño Jesús in Madrid,...

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New FA Research Funded

We are excited to fund four new research projects, two targeting the blood problems in Fanconi anemia, and two focusing on understanding cancer in FA. Read about each project: Investigator: Agata Smogorzewska, MD, PhDInstitution:The Rockefeller University, New York City, New YorkTitle:...

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Join us at the upcoming #FCFSymposium and FA Adult Retreat September 19- 22 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
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