
A porcine model of Fanconi anemia

A major limitation in FA research is the absence of an animal model that faithfully recapitulates the clinical features of this disease in humans. While mice have the characteristic DNA repair defects, they do not spontaneously develop the progressive anemia...

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Bridge Funding for Metformin Studies

In the past funding period of the OHSU Fanconi Anemia Program Project we succeeded in discovering new drug targets and small molecules for FA therapy. All of these candidates have clinical potential and we are on the threshold of new...

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Deciphering the endocrine-specific role of FA proteines in pancreas islets

Since many FA patients also suffer from diabetes and insulin resistance, the research proposed in this application is designed to determine the function of Fanconi anemia proteins in the endocrine pancreas. This study will analyze the dynamic features of FA...

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Identifying the nature of the endogenous aldehydes-induced DNA damage that Fanconi anemia DNA repair pathways counteract

All living cells form formaldehyde and acetaldehyde through normal metabolism (also from food and alcohol consumption). However, these aldehydes also induce severe DNA damage, which must be tolerated or repaired to prevent diseases. Currently, ~1 billion people in the world...

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The effects of loss of Fanconi gene function on the behavior and therapeutic responses of head and neck cancers

In an attempt to explain the high frequency of head and neck cancers in FA patients we have examined differences in the behaviour and signaling pathways of oral epithelial cells (cells that line the oral cavity) lacking Fanconi gene function....

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