Adam and his wife Marissa joined the Fanconi anemia "FAmily" in 2015, when their then-four year old son, Zachary, was diagnosed with FA. Adam and Marissa live in Brooklyn, NY with Zach, his older brother Ben, and their furry feline...

Jasmine is 31-years-old and currently lives in California. Jasmine was diagnosed with FA as a teenager and received a bone marrow transplant in August 2019. She has been a leader in the FA adult community and formerly served as co-chair...

Will is a 30-year-old from Salisbury, Maryland, where he works remotely in data operations management. He was diagnosed with Fanconi anemia in 1997 at age 5 and was transplanted in 2020 during the height of the COVID pandemic at Sloan...

Dr. Bonfim oversees the Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Program at the Federal University of Paraná in Brazil. She brings to the board of directors years of experience treating FA patients in Brazil, specializing in stem cell transplants. In addition to...

Father of Evan and Becca John and his wife, Kim, are the proud parents of six children: Evan, Claire, Rachael, Leah, Sarah, and Becca. John is the Owner and President of D2 Ingredients LP, a manufacturer and distributor of food...

Mother of Kirsten, Mark, Katie, Jonathan and Amy Frohnmayer. All three daughters died from complications of Fanconi anemia (FA). David and Lynn Frohnmayer founded the Fanconi Anemia Family Support Group in 1985 and the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund (now the...