We eventually took a leap of faith and traveled to Chicago for a consultation. In our initial meeting we learned that our odds of conceiving a child were about 25%. However, if we then screened for FA and for a...
Research is the answer to one day making FA a treatable, manageable disease. Here, you'll discover the most recent strides in FA research and activities funded by FCF. Every quarter, we'll bring you updates on newly funded grants, ongoing projects, and significant milestones.
We eventually took a leap of faith and traveled to Chicago for a consultation. In our initial meeting we learned that our odds of conceiving a child were about 25%. However, if we then screened for FA and for a...
Read Sharon’s popular piece on the history of Fanconi anemia: No Longer an Orphan - the FA Story
To the FA community, Currently, we are confronted with the challenges of two public health crises: the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the enduring system of racial injustice in the United States.The Fanconi Anemia Research Fund supports the Black community and...
Caregivers,I see you watching your person even more closely than before, noting the way he breathes, questioning if it seems more shallow than normal.I see you reading between the lines of every article, trying to discern just how bad this...
We asked Kathy to tell us a little about what motivates her to support FARF: “My niece and goddaughter, Emily Mitchell, is an FA child. I’d like to tell you a little about her. She was born prematurely in 2008...
Oral cancer begins as a precancerous lesion. If a lesion does not heal in four weeks, FA individuals are advised to consult with an otolaryngologist (ENT physician). If the lesion appears suspicious, the physician often performs a biopsy. Could precancerous...