
A Pursuit in Genetics

In my early high school days, I noticed that I had a knack for biology, and specifically, genetics. It has always made sense to me and it sparks joy in my life. I know what you’re thinking – very nerdy....

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How Our Family Channeled Grief Into Hope

Our Mighty Mouse Well before her diagnosis of Fanconi anemia (FA), our daughter Norah was a model in resiliency for us. Born at just five pounds and three ounces, she had the strongest heartbeat on the hospital floor, surprising us...

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A Mother’s Appeal

Do you make resolutions for the New Year? I used to, but they wouldn’t last very long, so I found myself making new, monthly resolutions. This technique is a variation of a technique I learned in my twenties. My employer...

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Adulting with Fanconi Anemia

We first learned something was wrong in 2004. I was a normal, healthy kid until I went to my pediatrician for my 13-year-old booster shot and blood draw. That was the first sign something was off. After a bone marrow...

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Nunca más huérfana

Introducción Mi especialidad empezó en 1927 como huérfana. Sin tener ninguna relación con nada conocido hasta entonces y sin conexiones a una comunidad mas amplia, lo que siguieron son 60 anos de abandono. En 1985, una valiente familia decidió que...

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FARF co-founder speaks at 30th Symposium

In 1983, Oregon parents Lynn and David Frohnmayer learned their two daughters, Kirsten and Katie, had Fanconi anemia (FA), a rare genetic disorder that leads to bone marrow failure, leukemia, and cancer. They would later find out that their third...

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