“Despite a rare, incurable disease, Amy Frohnmayer Winn ran joyfully through her limited time on earth, making the most of every mile—and every moment.”
Click here to read the full article about Amy Winn in Runners World magazine, out 6/12/2017.
On May 24th, 2024, the FA Europe Network hosted its inaugural pan-European scientific meeting at the historic Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris, marking a significant milestone in international collaboration for Fanconi anemia (FA).
Katherine (middle) with 2023's recipient Ana Tabar (left) and FCF CEO Isis Sroka (right) The De Los Santos family first experienced the complexities of Fanconi anemia as they endured the devastating loss of their daughter, Gracie, who passed away from...
This virtual meeting is an opportunity for individuals diagnosed with Fanconi Anemia Neurological Syndrome (FANS) and their families to gather, share experiences, and find mutual support for navigating FANS. Registration is required and participants must speak English as interpretation is...