“Despite a rare, incurable disease, Amy Frohnmayer Winn ran joyfully through her limited time on earth, making the most of every mile—and every moment.”
Click here to read the full article about Amy Winn in Runners World magazine, out 6/12/2017.
Join the 20th annual Coley's Cause Golf Tournament as we honor the memory of Coley, who bravely battled FA. This event supports life-saving research and support for those affected by FA. Gather your friends and colleagues for a day of...
The Retreat for Adults with FA takes place every fall in a different city. It’s an opportunity for individuals with FA ages 18+ to meet other adults with FA, learn about medical and research updates, attend support sessions, and participate...
In the FA community, we may experience grief at the loss of members of our FAmily, grief about parts of our lives that are different than we expected, and anticipatory grief about the losses we predict may occur. Join fellow...