
Retreat for Adults with FA

Sep 25th, 2025, 03:00 PM - Sep 28th, 2025, 12:00 PM

The Retreat for Adults with FA takes place every fall in a different city. It’s an opportunity for individuals with FA ages 18+ to meet other adults with FA, learn about medical and research updates, attend support sessions, and participate in voluntary research studies. We are excited to continue providing education and support sessions for caregivers.

This retreat is held in conjunction with our annual Scientific Symposium. Attendees from both meetings share meals together, including the annual banquet dinner. Adult Retreat attendees are welcome to attend Symposium sessions as well.

Event: Meetings

Retreat for Adults with FA

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News & Events

From Intuition to Action: Advocacy and Hope with FA

By Kelly McKenna My name is Kelly McKenna, and I’m a single mom to two amazing kids. One of them is an eight-year-old boy who has Fanconi anemia (FA). Logan’s medical journey started during my pregnancy at the 20-week anatomy...

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Collaborating for Progress: A Parent’s Journey with FA and Advocacy

By Sarah Borden Our lives changed forever the day we learned our son Eli was diagnosed with Fanconi anemia. Just days earlier, we had celebrated his fourth birthday with family and friends, blissfully unaware of the journey ahead. When faced...

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It Takes a Village to Save a Life: Katherine’s Story

“If I had waited another six months, my story wouldn’t be the same.” Katherine was born into a world shaped by loss. Her older sister, Gracie, was diagnosed with Fanconi anemia (FA) shortly after the family moved to the United...

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