“Our gift will continue our children’s legacies and advance life-saving research for future generations.”
- Ann and Nigel Walker
Our incredible donors are a major reason we’ve been able to grow this family-driven, grassroots organization into the worldwide organization that it is today. Your gifts — past, present, and future — are vital in advancing our mission.
At FARF, we envision a future in which we can prevent and/or eliminate the primary cause of disability and death in people with FA, enabling our community to live full and productive lives. The best way to do this is by funding research. As long as FARF exists, we will be working toward this vision.
By making a legacy gift to FARF through your estate, you’re ensuring that this vital work continues. Your gift, whether through a will, living trust, life insurance, retirement plan, or real estate, entitles you to become a member of the FARF Legacy Society.
What are the benefits of planning with FARF now?
How do I get started?
A legacy gift is one of the easiest ways to give. With the help of your lawyer or wealth advisor, you can include language in your retirement policies, wills or trusts that will direct a gift to be made to the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund as part of your estate plan. Simply contact us to learn more.
“Our gift will continue our children’s legacies and advance life-saving research for future generations.”
- Ann and Nigel Walker