
Fundraising Wins: 2019-2020

2019 was a record-breaking year for fundraising at FARF. We saw a 32% overall increase in fundraising dollars, which was made possible, in huge part, to the number of families fundraising increasing by 10%. We are so proud of this community for continuing to raise the bar! None of this would be possible without our family fundraisers. Thank you for your support!

In February of 2020, we were on track to exceed these numbers for the second year in a row. While COVID-19 has shifted this goal, we remain confident in our families’ ability to rally and our donors’ desire to continue supporting FARF.

Prefer to watch? See family fundraising recognition above

FA month is a wonderful example of this! Despite the cancelation of in-person events, over $106,000 was given to FARF in support of family fundraisers around the world. This was a remarkable 30% increase from last year and we are grateful for each donor, and each gift, that made this campaign such a success. Incredible job, families! And thank you, donors!

Interested in getting started with fundraising? Here are some fundraising steps to help get you ready:

  • First Step: Connect with the fundraising team about getting started. First-time fundraising ideas may look like a Facebook birthday fundraiser, creating an FA month fundraising page, or tacking the FARF logo to your holiday letter. We are happy to brainstorm ideas with you based on your interest level, availability, and unique donor community.
  • Growth: You loved Step One and wanting to take your fundraising to the next level? You might be ready to ask your donors to give 2x a year, host a small event, or grow an already existing event to include sponsors. In this stage, the fundraising team will work with you to coach, advise, and support you to make your fundraising as smooth and seamless as possible.
  • Transformational: Step Three is for our seasoned fundraising families who are ready to change the trajectory of fundraising at FARF. This is where we work 1:1 with you to discuss the potential of major gifts, estate gifts, corporate partnerships, and grants.

Questions? Comments? Ready to start?

Please reach out to our Family Fundraising Program Manager, Julia, at

We look forward to connecting with you!

Family Fundraising Toolkit
Go to the fundraising page for more ideas

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