
Lynn Frohnmayer
Co-founder | MSW
Mother of Kirsten, Mark, Katie, Jonathan and Amy Frohnmayer. All three daughters died from complications of Fanconi anemia (FA).
David and Lynn Frohnmayer founded the Fanconi Anemia Family Support Group in 1985 and the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund (now the Fanconi Cancer Foundation) in 1989. Over the past 32 years, Lynn has served in a variety of roles on the FARF Board of Directors.
Lynn wrote the FA Family Newsletters for decades and now serves as editor of that publication. Lynn and David co-edited two editions of Fanconi Anemia Standards for Clinical Care, and Lynn co-edited later editions of Fanconi Anemia: Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management. She serves on the Award Review Committee, working with a small group of scientists, treating physicians, and FA parents to select grants for FCF funding.
Having three daughters with Fanconi anemia has driven her passion to improve the outcome for patients with this devastating genetic disorder. She is a key fundraiser for the Fund and devotes her time to understanding this disease and the promising therapies that will continue to extend the lives of FA patients.