
Egil Dennerline


Egil Dennerline is a 49-year-old Danish-American poet and singer/songwriter who lives with FA. Since his first cancer in 2011 (he has been diagnosed 11 times, as of 2023), Egil has been invited to share his FA story through various media channels. He speaks about turning perceived weaknesses into strengths and how having a life-threatening illness can (ironically) foster an overwhelming love and appreciation of life. He has published four poetry collections and made five studio albums; most recently the follow-up album “Respite,” with his newest band, Wall to Wall. Egil also works as a freelance film producer (FA permitting) and most recently produced his second feature film. He lives in Denmark with his wife and daughter. He recently received a bone marrow transplant and is focused on recovery.

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News & Events

Breaking Ground in Cancer Research: Introducing the Fanconi Cancer Foundation-AACR NextGen Grant

That's why we're thrilled to announce the launch of the Fanconi Cancer Foundation-AACR NextGen Grant for Transformative Cancer Research, a flagship funding opportunity in partnership with the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).

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Introducing the Fanconi Cancer Foundation: A New Era in FA Research & Impact

In 1989, Lynn and David Frohnmayer founded the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund (FARF), determined and desperate to find a cure for their three daughters diagnosed with Fanconi anemia (FA). Since then, their vision has grown into a vibrant community of FA families, researchers, clinicians, donors, fundraisers, staff, and volunteers, all dedicated to improving outcomes for people with FA.

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DNA strands

2024 Research Updates

Research is the answer to one day making FA a treatable, manageable disease. Here, you'll discover the most recent strides in FA research and activities funded by FCF. Every quarter, we'll bring you updates on newly funded grants, ongoing projects, and significant milestones.

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