Our Impact

The children and adults with FA are why we’re all here. They are the reason for the countless hours spent in the lab, the endless energy put into fundraisers, the reason we talk to anyone who will listen, and the reason we give.

We do it to improve and to save lives. The research we fund impacts everyone with Fanconi anemia and goes on to benefit those in the general population who may battle cancer. That’s why the Fanconi Cancer Foundation has been called the “the single best orphan disease research support group in the world” and “a model for demonstrating how a small group of dedicated families can speed the pace of scientific progress and bring real hope to patients with an otherwise-fatal disorder” by David Nathan, MD, President Emeritus, Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

Major milestones brought us here

Taking on Fanconi cancer

Founded in 1989, the Fanconi Cancer Foundation celebrates 35 years of funding Fanconi anemia (FA) research, investing $33 million in understanding the disease, pioneering therapies, and getting to the core of the problem: DNA repair.

Now, the Fanconi Cancer Foundation is the leading FA organization in the world, driving research to solve FA and associated cancers, impacting everyone affected by FA.

We focus on early detection, prevention, and novel therapies for FA cancers. We invest in preclinical models, clinical trials, and empowering our community.

Did you know

Your gifts have a ripple effect

When you give to the Fanconi Cancer Foundation, you don’t just give to one institution or one project or investigator. Our research has a ripple effect and goes on to inform new researchers and projects. Each idea or concept builds on the others, taking us closer and closer to a cure. Many of today’s treatment protocols began 35 years ago as new research ideas funded by FCF.

Since this organization started, several FA researchers funded by FCF have received major grants from larger institutions, including $164,000,000 from the National Institutes of Health to work on FA, meaning your gifts have a major multiplier effect.

Wins You've Help Make Possible

Transplant outcomes improve

Bone marrow transplant success rates went from less than 10% to over 95% today.

Life expectancy increases

When the organization was founded, life expectancy was once thought to be in the teens. Today, we have adults with FA living into their 30s, 40s, and beyond.

Cancer connection is made

23 FA genes have been discovered, including the breast cancer susceptibility genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, that play a role in the FA/BRCA DNA repair pathway.

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The World Leader in FA Research and Support

Join us at the upcoming #FCFSymposium and FA Adult Retreat September 19- 22 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
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