FCF Initiatives

Cures Begin With Ideas

Research Priorities

FA is a complex disease that involves multiple systems of the body. The Fanconi Cancer Foundation promotes and funds research that focuses on the rapid discovery and development of therapies or strategies that treat, control, or cure FA. We support interdisciplinary and translational research efforts that address one or more of our research priorities.

Our top priority is to define the pathogenesis of Fanconi associated cancers, and to develop strategies for prevention, early detection, treatment, and cure.
Other Priorities:
  • Novel Therapies: To develop ex vivo and in vivo gene therapy and gene editing technologies for FA.
  • Bone Marrow Failure: To identify factors predictive of bone marrow failure, myelodysplastic syndrome, and leukemia, and associated treatment for high-risk populations.
  • Manifestations of FA: To understand, prevent, and treat systemic, inflammatory, and aging manifestations of FA, including but not limited to: Fanconi Anemia Neurological Syndrome (FANS), endocrine, and fertility issues.
  • Quality of Life: To identify practical and proactive management strategies that families and persons with FA can use to develop and maintain a high quality of life.
  • Data Analytics: To use data analytics to identify biomarkers, hypotheses, risk predictions, and treatment for FA.
  • Resource Sharing: To develop shared research resources and systems for allocation (i.e., tissue samples, cell lines, model systems, and data).

Working Together For A Cure


We are taking on FA cancer by addressing it from every angle: prevention, detection, and treatment. With a laser focus on early detection, we’re leading the charge through collaborative efforts via our Cancer Consortium. Partnering with Stand Up To Cancer®, we’re driving innovative prevention strategies forward. And through our support of clinical trials, we’re paving the way for effective treatments. Explore our initiatives today and be a part of shaping the future of care for FA patients.

Research Innovations

Novel Therapeutics

An eventual cure for FA would mean correcting the core issue: the inability to repair DNA. We are leading the charge to make this happen by investing in cutting-edge gene therapy and gene editing technologies. We’re working with an international Dream Team who is paving the way for a genetic revolution that holds the promise of a potential cure for FA.

Creating Access

International Data Commons

We are spearheading the creation of the inaugural international FA data commons in collaboration with Data for the Common Good (D4CG) and more than 15 global registries spanning the globe from Australia to Brazil, Zimbabwe to Denmark, and beyond. This pioneering initiative, launched in early 2024, aims to establish an accessible database housing standardized and harmonized data from diverse corners of the world. By facilitating swift data analytics and research on FA and its linked cancers, this initiative promises to accelerate progress in understanding and addressing critical health challenges.

The Voices of FA


Advocacy involves dedicated efforts to raise awareness, promote understanding, and garner support. FCF works tirelessly to advocate for increased research funding and engages in outreach, collaborating with stakeholders, policymakers, and the public to foster a supportive environment. By amplifying the voices of FA patients and their families, FCF aims to influence policy, shape research priorities, and ultimately improve the lives of those impacted by FA.

Join us at the upcoming #FCFSymposium and FA Adult Retreat September 19- 22 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
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