Stock Gifts

If you own stock or a mutual fund that has appreciated in price since you purchased it, please consider using that asset for your charitable giving. You will receive an income tax deduction for the full market value of donated securities that you have owned more than one year and you will avoid the capital gains tax on the appreciated value.

To transfer securities to FARF, please provide your broker with the following instructions, which will enable them to electronically transfer your stock to FARF:

LLS Federal Tax ID: 13-5644916
Broker: National Financial Services, LLC
Account: Fanconi Anemia Research Fund TD5-023163
DVP Agent: Wiley Moody, 615-329-9975 ext. 236
DTC Account: 0226

Important Notes: To take advantage of the tax benefits of gifting stock, your shares should not be sold but rather TRANSFERRED to FARF. Please instruct your broker to include your name and address. Some brokers will not send this information unless instructed.

In addition to instructing your broker, please also notify us of your donation so that we can identify your gift in our account and thank you. You can notify us by emailing or calling 541-687-4658.

Why we give stock: one family’s experience

“We made a gift of stock to gain a double bonus when it came to tax time: no capital gains taxes on selling the stock and a tax deduction for a charitable donation. It allowed us to give a greater amount than we would have been able by using cash, which we were saving towards expenses associated with our son’s (Dylan, age 12) upcoming bone marrow transplant. He’s now almost a year out from transplant at Cincinnati Children’s and doing great! We appreciate all the research that past donors have funded that went into the knowledge and techniques that were used. Donations to FARF help children like Dylan have a better chance at successful outcomes – not only with transplant – other aspects of the disease too.”

— David & Stacy Ownby

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