
The Family Meeting in Photos

Every summer, families affected by FA come together at Camp Sunshine in Casco, Maine for five days. The Family Retreat (or Family Camp) is a special event that allows families to hear from expert FA researchers and physicians, to attend support groups for help in coping with the disease, to voluntarily participate in FA research projects, and to connect with other families affected by FA. Meanwhile, Camp Sunshine provides a fun-filled program for children with FA and their siblings.

Making friends

Each year, kids, teens and adults with Fanconi anemia, as well as their siblings, meet each other for the first time or reconnect to make new memories. The incredible Camp Sunshine volunteers are there throughout the meeting to take care of the kids and form special bonds.

Wesley (16), hangs out with Ryan, Lenny and Lily in the tot lot

Learning from the FAdult Council

This year, members of the newly formed FAdult Council (FA Adult Council) came to camp to meet and speak with kids and teens with FA, as well as their parents. Members of the council held a panel for parents in which they shared their varied stories, spoke about struggles they have faced, and provided tips for parents to keep in mind as their children become adults. The council also held a session with preteens and teenagers with FA to answer questions and talk about what it’s like to grow up with FA.

The FAdult Council with teens and older kids with FA

Celebrating fundraising efforts & successes

Every year, we put on a fundraising celebration banquet during the Family Meeting to acknowledge and thank all who have raised funds for FARF. Without all of you who raise funds, programs like the Family Meeting would not be possible. Each year, it seems this banquet lasts a little longer, since so many families in attendance step up to raise funds throughout the year. Following dinner, parents let loose with some karaoke, which usually breaks out into a dance party.

The top 10 fundraising families from June 2018 – June 2019 with FARF Philanthropy Director McKenna Knapp (far right)

Hearing from FA researchers & clinicians

Over three days, families have the chance to hear from current FA researchers and treating physicians. This year, doctors from the three main FA transplant centers shared updates on bone marrow transplant protocols and outcomes. Families also heard talks on cancer in FA, gene therapy, clinical trials (including metformin and quercetin), mental health and wellness, the science of the disease, as well as updates on FARF-funded research projects and initiatives like the FA registry.

Having fun together

Kids & teens have the chance to participate in a number of fun-filled activities, including mini-golf, a ropes course, arts & crafts, swimming in the pool or at the waterfront, a talent show, masquerade party, and plenty of games, indoors and out.

Hanging out in the teen lounge

Celebrating Ralf Dietrich

At this year’s Celebration Show, families surprised Ralf Dietrich with a thank you card and tribute video. Ralf, an FA parent and head of the German FA Research Fund & Support Group, has dedicated several years to the FA community. His project, Reducing the Burden of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in FA, has taken him all over the world to swab the mouths of hundreds of people with FA. Thanks to Ralf and his team, many suspicious lesions have been detected, leading to biopsies and subsequent detection of oral cancers. While the project continues on, Ralf himself will be stepping back from traveling so much.

Reflecting and remembering

Some of the most meaningful parts of the Family Meeting are the opportunities to remember loved ones and to simply reflect. During the week, families can participate in the balloon release to send a special message to loved ones, and the wish boat launch at the pond, where kids make a wish for their future and send off their boats together. At any time, families can spend a quiet moment in the Fanconi anemia garden or in one of the many peaceful spots around Camp Sunshine.

Angela paying tribute to FARF co-founder Dave Frohnmayer in the Fanconi anemia garden

Angela paying tribute to FARF co-founder Dave Frohnmayer in the Fanconi anemia garden

Categories: Announcements

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Join us at the upcoming #FCFSymposium and FA Adult Retreat September 19- 22 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
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