
5K for FA Raises $28,000

Hundreds of runners, walkers, volunteers, family and friends gathered in Hilton, NY for the 4th annual 5K for FA on May 5. The run/walk is held in honor of 13-year-old Eli Lana, who has FA. Each year, the event has drawn more supporters and set new fundraising records. This year, Eli and his family raised more than $28,000 for the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund.

One of the reasons family fundraisers are so remarkable is the way they bring the FA community together. At this year’s 5K, the Lana family was joined by six other FA families, including an adult with FA who heard about the race on Facebook and had previously not been connected to other FA families.

“We offer a heartfelt thank you to everyone who made the 5K possible. To friends new and old, to family who steps in again and again, for a community that never lets us down, for sponsors who give generously, for an organization who supports our efforts with love and strategies for successful fundraising… You guys are all amazing. See you next year on May 4!” – Mary Ann Lana

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